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Board of Selectmen Minutes 08/01/2008
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Last Updated: 2008/8/11
Old Lyme Board of Selectmen                             UNAPPROVED
Regular Meeting Friday, August 1, 2008

The Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at 8:00 A.M. on Friday, August 1, 2008 at Christ the King Church. First Selectman Timothy Griswold, Selectman Skip Sibley and Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder were present.

1.  Approval of Minutes:  21 July 2008 (Regular Meeting)
The minutes of the regular meeting on July 21 were reviewed. Selectman Sibley moved to accept the minutes as presented and Selectwoman Reemsnyder seconded the motion. SO VOTED.

2. Communications:
        a. DEP Email re: Transfer Station Approval to Operate
Selectman Griswold read an email from the Elaine Colhoe, of the DEP, stating that she had visited the Transfer Station on July 18 and will issue the Approval to Operate after the propane tank storage area is constructed. She was impressed with the Transfer Station work.  Since her visit, the propane tank storage concrete pad has been completed.

3. Appointments: None

4. Old Business:
        a. DEP Rec. Trails & Greenway Grant Proposal – Joe Camean
Joe Camean presented a detailed proposal for a CT Riverway Trail. He would like to apply for an 80% grant and needs an approval from the Board of Finance to fund the 20% town share of $9,180. The grant application deadline is September 1. Mr. Camean outlined some important points about the project.
·       The CT River is one of the few major rivers that has no city at the river’s mouth.  It has been recognized by the Nature Conservancy as one of the 40 last great places of global ecological importance.
·       Shore Rd./Rte. 156 has close public access to the river but the road’s shoulders are not safe for adults or children on foot or on bicycles.
·       The proposed Riverway Trail would be a greenway and a blueway that will provide land & water access to the river. It would be fully accessible per ADA requirements.
·       It would link town and state boat landings.
·       It could provide an economic stimulus to the town.
·       The greenway could be extended to support sustainable transportation.
·       There is a DOT program called “Pathways Through CT” which includes the Old Lyme scenic overlook (Baldwin Bridge abutment – shown on the map as #102)
·       Phase 1 of the project would include the Baldwin Bridge Scenic Overlook to the Lieutenant River
·       Phase 2 would connect the Lieutenant River to the DEP marine facility on the CT River.
·       Phase 3 would connect the DEP facility to Watch Rock
·       Phase 4 would connect Watch Rock to Smith Neck boat launch
·       The town would need to spend about $9,200 to complete the initial study on the Trail and the DEP grant would fund about $36,700.

The Board was enthusiastic about the proposal and urged Mr. Camean to request the $9,180 (20% Town share) from the Board of Finance.

        b. Town Hall Expansion – Update
The project is proceeding well and the town hall staff will be moving into their permanent offices on August 8.  The project should be finished by the end of the month.

        c. Landfill Closure – Update
The Transfer Station has been operating smoothly. The soil testing for the bus barn parcel will be done soon. First Selectman Griswold mentioned that single-stream recycling (all recyclables mixed together in one container at the curb) is gaining popularity in CT because it increases recycling participation. Disposing of recyclables is 1/3 less expensive than disposing of regular trash.

        c. Proposal to Purchase South Chapel Lot from Christ the King-
According to zoning regulations, the 0.55 lot can support a 6,000 square foot building (the future public safety facility). There is a buyer interested in purchasing the Chapel who would like to use the lot for church service parking on Sundays and one week night.  Attorney Clarke has drawn up a lease agreement to allow the purchaser of the South Lyme Chapel to use the lot to park up to 25 vehicles for church services only. The buyer of the Chapel would be required to have a trained parking attendant/crossing guard on duty when the parking was in use and to provide proof of insurance to the town.  The buyer of the Chapel would pay the Town $5,200 per year (with annual increases) in advance to use the lot.  The town will not allow the lot to be used for public beach parking. After some discussion the following resolution was proposed.
Resolved: To recommend to a Special Town Meeting that the Town purchase the South Chapel Lot at 290 Shore Road for $227,000 (plus closing costs and transaction fees), with a minimum of 50% of the purchase price to be paid from the Sound View Parking Lot Account and the balance to be paid from the Town’s Undesignated Surplus Account.  Further, that there be no use of the parking lot for public parking for the beach areas.
Selectwoman Reemsnyder moved to accept the resolution and Selectman Sibley seconded the motion. SO VOTED.
Selectman Sibley and Selectwoman Reemsnyder asked to have the agreement checked by another lawyer to prevent a conflict of interest problem with Attorney Clarke and the Christ the King Church.
        d. Federation of Beaches – Beach Utility Vehicle for Police Patrols
The vehicle has been in use on the beaches. A discussion took place about the need to have the Federation of Beaches in agreement with how the vehicle is used. Selectman Griswold will arrange a meeting between the Federation of Beaches and the police to discuss the issue.

5. New Business:
        a. State of CT – DOT – Resolution to Execute the Church Corner STEAP Grant Agreement
Selectman Sibley moved to authorize First Selectman Griswold to execute the Church Corner STEAP Grant Agreement and Selectwoman Reemsnyder seconded the motion. SO VOTED.

        b. Approve Agreement with John & Ruth Roach
Item tabled to allow Selectwoman Reemsnyder and Selectman Sibley time to read the agreement and consult our attorney, if necessary.

        c. Asset Disposition Procedure (Less than $1,000)
Selectman Griswold read a procedure for selling town (non real estate) assets worth less than $1,000. Any item to be sold would have to be approved for sale by the head of the department owning the asset. The asset would have to valued, using outside sources, and a memo would be sent to the Board of Selectman recommending the sale.  The transaction would need to be approved by at least two members of the Board of Selectmen.  The item would have to be advertised for sale on the town web site for a period of at least two weeks and then sold to the highest bidder. The Selectmen agreed to implement the procedure.

6. Public Comment
Beth Sullivan commented on the Short Hills development proposal. She stated that when the developer goes before various commissions for approval he only explains part of the project and she is concerned that there is no oversight of the whole project and its effect on the town. This development will affect wetlands and Short Hills Road will need to be widened. The widening of the road could affect an historic house.

7. Other Business
Selectman Sibley would like to get going on improvements to the Public Works Garage project so that it will be done before winter sets in.

Selectwoman Reemsnyder and Selectman Sibley asked to have notification of the various meetings that Selectman Griswold attends, in case they would like to attend also. They would like to be able to call the Selectman’s Office and find out what is on his calendar for that day.

Selectman Sibley moved to go into Executive Session at 9:45 A.M. and Selectwoman Reemsnyder seconded the motion. SO VOTED.

8. Executive Session – Discuss Strategy & Negotiations Regarding Pending Claims
Selectman Sibley moved to go out of Executive Session at 10:26 A.M. and Selectwoman Reemsnyder seconded the motion. SO VOTED.

9. Adjournment
Selectman Sibley moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:27 A.M and Selectwoman Reemsnyder seconded the motion. SO VOTED.

Respectfully submitted,  

Martha Hansen
Recording Secretary